Throughout the years I’ve read about a curious astrological phenomena, where all US presidents died by natural causes or by assassination during the conjunction/association of SA (Saturn) and JU (Jupiter) in the earth sign of the tropical zodiac system. R. Regan was a unique case surviving an attempt on his life and president Clinton was impeached but served to the end of his term. The example of such difficult times may be sixties crises over Vietnam war when John F. Kennedy lost his life and in turbulent times of Civil War when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Table 1 lists the 20 year cycle of SA and JU’s conjunction dates and time in both the sidereal and tropical zodiac and the corresponding President and event. Please note that the timing of these events were not specific to the exact conjunction time and event. Currently there is conjunction of Sa and JU placed on the cusps of earth (Capricorn) and air(Aquarius) sign for the tropical zodiac and in the earth sign of Capricorn for the sidereal zodiac. Precise conjunction takes place on December 21, 2020. Since inauguration in January of 2017, Donald Trump has faced and dodged many challenges including the possibility of impeachment. As per sidereal zodiac, SA entered Capricorn January 24th, 2020. January 31th was the first noted case of COVID-19 in the US. March 31th SA and JU were conjoined in Capricorn and by this time the world was in complete shut down. Trump’s lack of response and leadership to the pandemic coupled with his aggressive response to protests against racism as a result of George Floyd’s death May 25th has further diminished his credibility and increased his vulnerability. As we approach this historical conjunction of SA and JU will challenges increase for Donald Trump? Lets look at how this conjunction impacts President’s chart and the chart of the United States. The USA birth chart reveals that the dance between JU and SA is embedded in the nation’s particular karma. SA located in the 11th bhava (house) aspects one sidedly (10 away) onto JU located in the 8th bhava . Four/ten relationships are by their nature not easy, but can be extremely creative in solutions provided that great awareness and mindfulness operates. Without these ingredients the two energies collide in forceful combat. SA represents authority, fear, conservatism, contraction and constriction, discipline, perseverance, diligence, patience, tradition and slow movement. In the recent history of the USA, SA in the 11th bhava, can translate as conservative, old order institutions that seek to protect their status quo. This includes rigid forms of fear based attitudes that manifest in self-protecting behaviour such as establishing military bases throughout the world to assert military dominance and exercising power of authority in such an event as Chinese trade war. As the 3 house lord SA presides over information and communication technologies. Example may be scientific community investigating possibility of diagnose and control of COVID-19 using artificial intelligence technologies or developments of Silicon Valley. At the moment of Shani transiting its own house, the Hauwei affair unravels. The US feels national security is jeopardized by China and fearing espionage puts restrictions on selling semiconductors.. As 3 house lord SA affects also relationship of US with its neighbours. In 2018 NAFTA got renegotiated to new free trade agreement between neighbours alienating US allies: Canada and Mexico. The safe home boundary for the country translates to its border and SA as 4 bhava lord plays a role in home security and protection. One of todays extreme form is a new wall on the Mexican border. Fracking became a dominant method of extracting oil and gas in US. Despite adverse effects on land (4 bhava), mainly ground water and air pollution, it is used for financial gain by big concerns (11 bhava). Jupiter’s vision tends to be panoramic, expansive, idealistic, humanitarian, and focused on justice and compassion. JU is located in 8th bhava conjoined with Mars (lagnesa), Venus and Sun. This cluster of grahas form several DKA yogas and dhana yogas. The theme of transformation inherent within Scorpio lagna is emphasized by the focus of grahas in the 8th house and reemphasized by the fact that lagna lord Mars is in the 8th house. Mercury is lord of 11th and 8th house dispositing SA and JU. Mercury has gone to the 9th house conjoined with Rahu creating the vision that comes out of tension, great ambition and originality. The United States as we know it today was established by emigrants seeking new opportunities and fleeing from poverty, famine, war and religious persecution. The first battles were to conquer the Native Americans and take over their land. Treaty agreements were made to be broken and remain unresolved to this day. All the noble, Jupiterian characteristics of the nation have traumatic birth. Jupiter’s placement in constellation of Ardra ruled by Rudra, Shiva’s wrathful form, adds and magnifies the intensity of the process resulting in anger and tears. The spirit of democracy represented by JU continues to be subject to cyclical, turbulent transformation against the rigid power of capitalist corporations and hierarchical institutions like police and military. How much events are destined and how much human conscious attitude and action can influence karma? Both SA and JU are in dual signs in American chart. A potential for change and transformation exists although volatile because of the nature of the dual sign being inherently unstable. Liz Greene makes interesting comments on the subject in ”The Jupiter / Saturn Conference Lectures”(published 1984). The USA started RA dasha in Aug 2016 during Trump’s campaign as he also ran RA dasha/MA bhukti and won the presidency on a Rahuvian wave. Since April 2019 USA works through its RA/JU dash/bhukti as D.Trump runs JU/SA dasha/bhukti as well.The two charts resonate in a similar vibration in time and bring the destiny of the country and its head, the president together for better or worse. The president represents the country and it’s people, so let’s now look at how changes in the nation are reflected in Donald Trump’s chart. Donald Trump is running currently his JU dasha which begun Nov.16,2016. He started his SA bhukti Jan.4,2019. The confluence of his dasha/bhukti with the conjunction SA/JU holds great potency. Time and grahas synchronize. Kutila (stationary) JU is wonderworker for D.Trump giving him the presidency in January 2017. However, SA does not bring positive results for the President. In his birth chart SA is placed in the 12th bhava, aspecting JU in the 2nd bhava. There is no support from benefics to mitigate Saturn’s gaze on JU. SA will always undermine what JU strives for through fear, narrow perspective, hidden, limiting forces and enemies, and loss. By gocara, SA reinforces negative results. In October 2019 Jupiter entered Sagittarius joining both Saturn and Ketu in the 5th house of Donald Trump’s chart. During this time it was revealed that Trump used American military aid as a leverage to get the Ukrainian government to undertake politicized investigations. He was once again under investigation and his presidency was in question. Saturn moved into Capricorn, January 2020. This places SA in his own house, in the 6th house in Donald Trump’s chart. Because it's in its own house and natal Saturn aspects that house, D.Trump has to push through, applying an iron fist of determination and persistence to keep his head above the water. However Saturn aspects the 8th and the 3rd by transit - both houses of longevity and there isn't any reprieve. Transiting SA aspects the natal position of Saturn in the 12th. March 29, 2020 Jupiter follows Saturn into Capricorn placing him in debilitation position and compromising his influence as a benefic. SA/JU conjunction in Trump’s 6th house, and transiting Saturn aspects to its natal position of the 12th house activates the 6/12 axis, and reinforces the dominance of Saturn over Jupiter by aspect in the birth chart. The ripeness of the karmas to be delivered are sealed with the unfolding of the Jupiter/Saturn dasha/bhukti. Activation of the 6/12 axis by gocara delivers themes of enemies, confrontation, disagreement, law suits, loss, isolation, hospitals, ill health, foreign affairs, and immigration. The transit and the dasha/bhukti also reinforces the pattern that Saturn will undermine what Jupiter strives to do. Trumps mishandled the response to the pandemic, he’s placed sanctions on several countries, attempted to make China the enemy and place blame on them for the virus. His response to the protests of the brutal killing of George Floyd was to threaten to use the army to control social unrest. Come July 2020 Jupiter will retrograde back into Sagittarius, Trump’s 5th house, until Nov. 21, 2020. This can provide some relief and strength for Trump that could help him out in the elections. However there is another significant factor in Trump’s chart that will impact him. Trump was born during a lunar eclipse. In June/July there are three eclipses (2 lunar penumbral and one solar eclipse); The lunar eclipses are June 5/6 and July 4/5, 2020. The solar eclipse is June 21, 2020. This eclipse happens in the constellation of Gemini and Sagittarius with Rahu (the north node) in Gemini in the naksatra of Mrgashirsha. The Sun and Moon conjoined in Gemini are in the constellation of Ardra which is ruled by Rahu and is associated with Rudra. This eclipse lands on the 2/8 axis of the birth chart for the United States activating the theme of transformation with the help of Lord Shiva. Fierce energy as the path for great change may be the only way. The eclipse lands on Trump’s 5/11 axis in his chart and affects ministers, and institutions. The symbol for Mrgashirsha is the deer’s head and one of its main themes is being hunted or running from something. Mars is the planet that rules Mrgashirsha and by transit Mars will be in Trump’s 8th house and aspect onto his 11th house which is in the constellation of Gemini where the eclipse takes place. Mars as 4th bhava lord could point to hereditary and hidden health issues related to heart or the chest. On September 24th, Rahu and Ketu will move into Taurus and Scorpio respectively. This will reactivate the natal position of Rahu and Ketu for Trump. December 14, 2020 there is another solar eclipse that is just prior to the exact conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter (Dec. 21, 2020). This eclipse mimics Trump’s natal eclipse by constellation and naksatra. By this time D.Trump is running JU/SA/RA. Ra is debilitated in Taurus and will aspect SU, MO, VE and ME. Sun as Trump’s lagna lord is placed in the 4th bhava by transit on this day. It is hidden from light in the least visible 4th house in the constellation of Scorpio. Striking and confluent are the degrees of the natal Sun and eclipsed Sun. Both are at 29 degrees (gandanta) and in opposition to each other. The planet is on the threshold of two worlds. The natal position of Ra/Ke is 25 degrees and the transit eclipse position of Ra/Ke is 27 degrees. This re-ignites birth pattern with the Sun in the opposite position from original birth placement. I feel that this eclipse holds symbolic picture of the Sun (by transit) which is no more and without vital force, in juxtaposition to the placement of the Sun in the birth chart where it is high in the midday sky for everyone to see. The Sun can be interpreted as D.Trump’s position as president, as his vital force, as his heart. In the eclipse the Sun is devoured by Rahu in the depths of Scorpio as Trump approaches the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction of 21 Dec 2020. Mars aspects from lagna to the 8th house in the natal chart of the President. On the eclipse day Mars will be in 8th house aspected one sidedly by transiting swa SA increasing possibility of a sudden event given the activation of the natal eclipse at the same time. SA and Mars are in mutual aspect, 4/10 relationship, in natal US chart just like Ju and SA connecting 11 and 8 houses. Two grahas again get into contact as solar eclipse engages lagna of the US and 7th bhava in confrontation. SA/JU conjunction will happen December 21, 2020, on Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, when SA and JU will meet in the naksatra of Uttara Ashada which will take place n Trump’s 6th bhava. This constellation is symbolized by an elephant’s tusk, sharp object piercing the body (earth element) suggesting injury or surgery to the body or penetrating to some venture with suffering as consequence. There is a struggle between contraction and expansion, between conservatism and democracy, between status quo and freedom, between physical form and space.
SA/JU conjunction joins natal USA Pluto in 6 degrees of Capricorn and transiting Pluto enters to Capricorn in Jan 1, 2021 and joins SA and JU. Sufficient to say that earth (Capricorn) will be dug very, very deep to breath new visions, voices and forms to the old, buried in unconscious issues of the country in order to transform the life of the nation. The time for renewal and new growth is ripe and old structures need to brake down as they started in America a few years before the US Independence was inaugurated July 4, 1776. In 5 years, after traversing 12 houses in 248 years, Pluto will make its return. History’s cycle starts to moves one notch up. Saturn is the ruler of 6th and 7th Bhava and Jupiter is lord of 5th and 8th bhava in Trump’s chart. I believe that with the approach of this conjunction both his private and public worlds will contribute to the experience of discord, confrontation and health issues and that change will happen through painful growth and/or complete letting go. We can see the shadows of this as he attempts to postpone the elections. All the evidence does not promise that D.Trump will make 2nd term even if he wins election. Ill health or an event(s) as a result of dramatic changes in the country will be the reason. Impeachment was already a possibility and Saturn is slowly building its plot and in the end will grab Jupiter in its own orbit. The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is in effect a planetary war of two forces struggling for dominance in one space and Jupiter is in a very vulnerable position. Will there be a winner or post war chaos affecting us all? The transformation, and changes will need a lot of years to take new shape, hopefully bringing evolutionary progress to all. The Magic of the ColourI did spend whole January in Kathmandu doing some sewa for my teacher Tsoknyi Rinpoche and the nuns from Chobar Hill several years ago. It was a great experience to swim in the sea of rich ethnic, cultural and spiritual diversity, exposed to the exotic scents and intense colours, mischievous monkeys just behind my apartment window and smiling faces of the young monks from next door Tibetan monastery. Passing by on my daily errands in the taxi across the maze of Tamel I noticed an interesting pattern. Every Friday the streets would fill with red colour. Precisely, red elegant saries sprinkled with reflecting gold earrings, purses, armlets, shoes. Nepali women walked to the weddings, brides and guests all in red. Very few of them would dress in other colour outfits. The sea of vermilion, scarlet and any other intense and vibrating shades of red would surround white car festively dressed up in colourful flowers. Because who shall bring young couple to the altar but a modern carriage and the horse as one in Venusian garb. In my eye's vision I still could see two figures on white horses with pleated manes and tails. And WHEN the event takes place? According to Vedic tradition on Friday, the day ruled by Venus under her watchful eye to secure marital happiness in the month of Margasira/Pusha 2013. The red colour of women's dresses intrigued me. In the West we have all this white colour dominating woman's dress code (now, in modern times it changes, but attending many weddings I met only one bride wearing red). Purely Venusian experience. White for purity, virginity if not in flesh still in the heart. Looks like very idealistic approach, perhaps Victorian heritage. Maybe in our western psyche there still lingers an expectancy for women to be beautiful, skilled in the art of dancing, drawing, and appendage to man's world. Barbie-types feeds our imagination from the screens and high heels wobble woman's connection to the earth. The red sari of a Nepalese woman shows her boldness, vitality, her shiakti in one of the most crucial moments in her life. She needs her strength and power as a queen of the new household she will reign and to bring healthy children to this world. Rakta must flow abundantly. As a protectress of her queendom she can tap anytime to her power to fight fearlessly. No other colour brings attention as red - watch me! I am the primordial fire. I can warm you but I can also destroy you. Passion for life echoes in the shimmering gold and red saris. Mars and the Sun are incarnate this way. How paradoxical. Women put on the garb of two masculine planets. Or is it paradoxical? There is one extra detail. The Nepalese groom wears a white, elegant outfit. The colour of Venus. What happens? Mars and Venus are present. There is absolute completeness of male-female union. Only the usual role prescribed to gender changes symbolically by the power of the colour. Why? One glance at the yin/yang symbol explains it all. Shiva/Shiakti dance unveils in front of curious eyes. Shiakti firmly standing on lying on the ground body of Shiva. But is he really so passive and dead? Look closer… I started to ponder what happens on symbolic level in western wedding ceremonies. The woman in white, Venus incarnate, stands next to the black clad Saturnian man. And it takes place most likely on Saturday. Mr. Saturn is happy (this is a cosmic joke). Inhibiting ring envelopes Venus. Energy of vital Mars is changed for security resulting from fear, control. Playful energy of Shiva/Shiakti is frozen in the strict symbolic division of gender. Freedom exchanged for stability. Epitome of feminine marrying Mr.Death. In some cases it is trophy wife and her Sugar Dad. These days there is a growing trend in the West for couples not to marry formally and people actively participate in transgender exchange. Fathers staying home with their children, mothers pursuing careers to support their families (this is only one of many forms). Perhaps it signals subtle change in the invisible matrix of our subconsciousness. One only can ponder on this cultural differences, their expression and outcome. The need for expressing the kernel of the opposite is build in us, so cultural values and customs may to evolve and transform if don't respond to our deeply encoded blueprint. Of course we have also our personal preferences and in everyday life they express in visual language our conscious and unconscious choices, states, moods, statements, comments, believes. Simple act of choosing particular colour influences our life in more than one powerful way. So colour your world wisely for best results. |
AuthorEvita Schvallbe is a Vedic Astrologer and has a Bs.C. in Architecture. ArchivesCategories |
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